Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Bauhaus

The Bauhaus geographically and historically emerged in a key moment of thetwentieth century, determined, no doubt, our present. Wasborn at the crossroads between the two World Wars,reflected the great changes toward modernity.

If in the beginning looked to the craft, later foundin industrial production the best way tobe faithful to its time, seeing in the serial production a social commitment. Underpressure, an exceptional witness the rise of Nazism, the Bauhaus was closed and its members finally wereforced to emigrate from Germany before World War II.

Architecture and interior design, examples.
 Homes for students. University of Burgundy, Dijon, 1990

Tendency to the rationalization of construction processes. The validity of the cube as constructive solution. Basic geometry. Town planning. The concept of 'module', inseparable from that set and repetition, with the Bauhaus acquired a new significance.

Residential Complex in Rotherbaum, Hamburg, 1993

The white, the large windows,  the simple pilotes, non cornices and any type of ornament, are evidence of the current termof the constructive principles of the Bauhaus.
Model of paper, 80 x 90 cm, made in 1928 by astudent at the Bauhaus. Torres Blancas, Madrid, 1968.Sáenz de Oíza.

Constructive utopia,has been renovated in many city-tower projects. Social proposals and technical solutions.

Functional design, and synthetic, promoted by the Bauhaus had a new echo, especially in the genre of science fiction.


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