Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Art and design context_timeline 20th.


.What is the relevance of studying the histories of art and design or media and culture?
.What is the relevance of studying the context in which creative artefacts are produced?
.Howis this relevant to your own practice?

This allows to be aware of the fundamentals and factors at each stage motivated to express themselves  indifferent ways  as a result of psycho-social context and political culture that gave rise to each art form. The knowledge of each stage allows us to develop critical thinking and objective about the expression in each case,and manage as a possible toolfor communication in design.

Theart can only be fully understood in its time, each piece of art is only meaningful in the time when it was done.

These will allow us to appreciate each advance, each discovery,each different expression as fundamental step that made possible the evolution of the material, graphic sand communications available to date.

Activity 2

.Does human action and behaviour shape technology?

Or does technology shape human action and behaviour?

What came first the chicken or the egg?

."Unconsciousness," wonderful, is the common denominator of cultures of ancient history,fully before the intellectualize of what was being done andthe discovery of material or economic values ​​ofthis.

.Man has always had the need to communicate with others (person sand gods), exchange information display, capture an ideas, concepts, ideologies,or just interact. Throughout our history the ways of communication have developed, changed and evolved and there have been various means by which to communicate. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for completing this activity. Insightful comments and interesting selection of images.
