Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Contemporary Art_Antonio Saura

Antonio Saura is known as the painter of informalism a tendency of Spanish Abstract Art. Along with artists like Chirino, Chillida and Antonio Tapies, formed the "El Paso" group (1957).

But here i am going to see his contemporary era, specially illustration and graphics. His work takes the negative of surrealism, the monstrous, the natural, violent and intuitive, the Action Painting, take the gestural nature of the creative process and the informality, the abstraction.
The repression of the Franco regime facilitates and provokes a highly strained in this years. The result is a highly politicized art. Economic development and increased consumer goods encourages the art market in the cities, which will begin to relate to the foreign market. Also develops other graphic works and production of works in series to satisfy the demands of the average buyer. This is an environment for the creation of new art galleries, as well as the consolidation of existing ones. It produces also a development of art criticism.

His work as an illustrator began in 1963 with a series of etchings and aquatints Träume accompanying the text of Quevedo. It continues with the illustration of texts of Cervantes, Kafka, Orwell and many more, culminating in the illustration of his own paper, Nulla dies sine linea. Merging with the text, illustration calls and reveals the repertoire of images that Antonio Saura, creates and develops.

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