Sunday, October 2, 2011

Russian Constructivism

The decade began in 1910, saw the artists of that nation to absorb the new ideas of Cubism and Futurism and  Dadaism, with surprising speed and then continue towards different innovations. The Russian avant-garde had enough in common with Cubism and Futurism Cubo-Futurism to coin the term. The experiments in typography and design characterized the books and newspapers of the Futurist artists, presenting works by the artistic community, visual and literary.
Milestones of the time
The  First World War (1914 -1918) and the Russian Revolution (1917).
Representative exponents
• Kasimir Malevich (Suprematism began with)
• Vladimir Tatlin (father of constructivism)
• Alexander Rodchenko (painter)
• Aleksei Gan (wrote the principles of constructivism)
• El Lissitzky (started on Graphic Design)
Technical and formal specifications
Showing simultaneous actions, overlay images, using extreme close-ups and images in perspective, often together, and the rhythmic repetition of an image formed some of the techniques related to design and cinema. The style is based on clean lines and geometric shapes and the use of photography, shapes and typefaces block.

Constructivist Architectural Fantasies Lakov Chernikhov

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