Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Art and technology

Jean Tinguely(1925-1995)_through his art satirized the mindless over production of material goods by the advanced industrial society and with it technology.

Optiko Echoes of Lightis the projection of light rays, color animations and will interact with the tunnel and people that cross, creating a mind-boggling, magical sensory and transports them to a different dimension to daily living. An artistic experience. A proposal, designed by architect and visual artist Ignacio Saavedra Guerricabeitia.

LAb[au] f5x5x5_by using a combination of aluminum, Plexiglas, LED lights, determination, wit, stepper motors, critical thinking and IR tracking technologies, the f5x5x5 sculpture was created. Dubbed a "kinetic and luminous framework," the installation is part of a larger '16n' project designed to confront architectural problems (like congestion and flows) with spatial sensing technologies.

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