Friday, November 4, 2011


Pablo Picasso_(1881-1973)

.Description of why this work is an example of Modernism.
Picasso is no just a example of Modernism, he is the best example. In his work you can discover a range of styles of his time. He mastered all the techniques and evolved, started in the paint with realism, surrealism, symbolism, post-impressionism, modernism, cubism, expressionism, abstract art..

.Description of the work and its context.
The painter feels the drama that is living Spain, but also has his feet on the ground. He knows it's more useful for the Republic in Paris than in Madrid, so he decides to artistically express what he feels to the rebels and the war giving his report an universal value.

.Artist´s intentions for, meanings of the work.
.How reflects the period in which it was made(social, political influences).
Spain was a backward country in the new artistic languages, but instead provide some of the essential artists of the century.

Guernica_is a manifesto against the war and any kind of human brutality.
Dream and Lie of Franco_It is a silent cartoon in eighteen vignettes between black humor and satire cruel allegorically described the devastating effects of the "crusade" Franco against the Spanish people.

The woman crying, Maya, Cat catching a bird, Night Fishing in Antibes_

It is a symbol iconography of the catastrophe that is the Spanish Civil War. Transmit an overwhelming tension that reflects the global state of the months before the start of World War II.

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